Diseases and Conditions Healthy Living

Healthy Habits That Can Boost Your Immune System


Find Your Inner Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger is legendary for weightlifting and building muscle. While you may not end up looking like the Terminator, picking up weights can help you increase the number of immune cells circulating in your body that can help you fight infection. These cells are the same cells that build your muscle up after exertion. If you lift weights, it only stands to reason that your chances of getting sick decrease.

What if because of your schedule, where you live, or other challenges lifting weights at a gym is not an option? Don’t worry. You can go to your local department store or just about any online retailer and find resistance bands and lightweights that you can store around the house.

What some people have done is watch their favorite television show and then during the commercials work out. There are a lot of free workouts available online on places like YouTube. In just five minutes, you are able to get your body building muscle again.