Diseases and Conditions

Gulf War Syndrome and How It May Be affecting You Today


Chemical Warfare

Together with biological weapons, chemical factors were considered. That said, unlike biological weapons, which had not been found, there is proof that many of the stormed Iraqi facilities show signs of experiments with chemical agents.

Since some of the facilities were hit during air and ground raids, any toxins that spilled into the air could have negatively impacted the coalitions troops who were sweeping the area.

Considering this, it seems probable that Gulf War Syndrome could be caused by any number of things; but the most likely would be low-level chemical exposure. Let’s learn more about the chemicals that were present that could also cause medical problems.

Other Potential Causes of Gulf War Syndrome

Aside from exposure to infectious diseases or biological and chemical weapons, coalition squads were showered with other debris and material during their tour. Sometimes, this included hazardous chemicals to people that are rather common and not considered “chemical weapons.”

Here are some of the chemicals that could be causing the symptoms: