Diseases and Conditions

Common Thyroid Disorders


Hashimoto’s Disease

The Mayo Clinic states that Hashimoto’s disease is also an autoimmune disorder, much like Graves’ disease. However, it causes the inverse reaction. Hashimoto’s disease, which also goes by the name chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, makes the thyroid less productive. In the United States, Hashimoto’s disease is the leading cause of hypothyroidism. The disease is mainly associated with middle-aged women but can occur in men and children, as well.

The symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease are not noticeable at first but do worsen overtime. The signs include:

• Fatigue

• Sensitivity to cold

• Brittle nails

• Hair loss

• Muscle weakness

• Memory trouble

• Depression

• Joint pain and stiffness

• Puffy face

• Pale skin

• Constipation

• Prolonged, excessive menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia)

• Weight gain

You will notice that most of these symptoms are shared with the aforementioned hypothyroidism. If you are experiencing these, call a doctor.