Diseases and Conditions Healthy Living

Common Flu Symptoms


Sore Throat

Dry coughing caused by the flu can quickly cause pain in the throat. Even if you don’t have a cough, however, you might get a sore throat. Viruses like the flu are known to cause swelling. During the earliest stages of infection, you might feel a scratchiness at the back of the throat or irritation. A weird sensation, like an itch or burn, will also happen as you swallow food and beverages.

If your throat feels sore at the beginning of the flu, it will most likely get worse. That said, if you develop symptoms that aren’t related to the flu, call a doctor. You might have strep throat or allergies or something else.

Soothe your sore throat with hydrating liquids, such as water and caffeine-free herbal tees. Broths also work well. You can also gargle a mixture of salt and baking soda in warm water to help with the pain.