Diseases and Conditions

Aches and Pains You Should Never Ignore


Tooth Pain

Sensitive teeth can make you writhe in pain whenever you sink your teeth into something cold, but if the temperatures of food becomes unbearable, you might have an exposed nerve. Usually, the nerve of a tooth becomes exposed after damage to the enamel happens. According to American dental professionals, an exposed nerve can become a threat to your health if bacteria from the mouth contaminates the nerves. This can happen quickly if you don’t have fillings. Ultimately, an infected nerve could lead to a root canal or antibiotic injections.

Another result would be an abscess that travels through the face, jaw, and throat. An abscess can develop when the bacteria that has infected the tooth migrates into the dental pup—the soft inner tissue of a tooth that is comprised of nerves, tissues, and blood vessels—and moves into the root of the tooth. From there, the abscess will proceed to fill with pus, causing painful swelling. Left unchecked, the infection will spread to other areas of the body and become detrimental to your health.