Around The House Healthy Living

19 Things Your Kitchen Doesn’t Really Need


Single Use Condiment Packs

Do you really need a trillion packets of soy sauce and duck sauce? Even in an apocalypse, there is no need for that many condiment packets. Besides, condiment packets expire. Though the individual rectangles are not printed with an expiration date, you can account on them losing flavor and consistency over time.

Ketchup and mayonnaise packets last about a year. Soy cause and hot sauce can last up to 3-4 years. Any longer than that, and they will go bad.

But did you know that you can take some of those old condiment packs and use them as tiny ice packs? Ketchup and soy sauce packets in particular are excellent for this. If you ever wanted a miniature ice pack for a tiny cut or burn, well, now you have one!

Stained Dish Towels

If you don’t hold on to shirts and shoes with holes and stains, then you shouldn’t keep stained dish clothes around either. The ones that are distressed, discolored, and dyed pinkish-purple from that wine you spilled months ago looked raggedy and aren’t doing the aesthetic of your kitchen any favors. Toss them or use them for dust rags instead.