Around The House Healthy Living

19 Things Your Kitchen Doesn’t Really Need


Old Coffee Mugs and Cups

Mugs and cups that are bent, warped, stained, cracked, and chipped have no value. Once your coffee mugs start chipping, for example, you know you can no longer use them; and to continue using them would be risking a cut on the lips. They also do not look clean and may be unappealing to guests.

Dispose of any mugs and cups that you don’t use, and you will find that there is so much space on the shelves, you won’t know what to do with it.

Warped and Stained Plastic Containers

Most people have a dreaded cabinet or shelf in their house that holds an improbable amount of plastic containers and tubs. Most of the containers are mismatched, distorted from microwave heat, and discolored by months or years of being used for leftovers. Go through the hoard of Tupperware and meal prepping containers and select the ones that still look clean and aren’t discolored.

Guess what? You can recycle many plastic takeout and deli containers these days. Just be sure to wash them out before putting them in the recyclable bin. Throw out any warped and stained containers and stray lids.

If you want to avoid plastic waste in the future, consider purchasing lunch boxes and meal prep containers made of eco-friendly materials, such as bamboo fiber, glass, and silicone. Some of them are even collapsible, so you don’t have to worry about using up too much space.