Around The House Healthy Living

10 Surprising Things You Can Do With Sponges


Getting Rid of Wallpaper

Instead of simply shredding wallpaper from your walls, which can damage the plastic underneath and, if you are renting, null any chance of getting your safety deposit back, you can use a sponge. How? It’s easy. Loosening the wallpaper with a damp sponge will make peeling the wallpaper off much less of a challenge.

Don’t just use water, though. Mix some warm water and fabric softener together then soak the sponge in the solution. Then wring out the sponge and rub down the sections of wallpaper you wish to remove. Apply some extra pressure to places that refuse to move. Wait a little while, letting the moisture soak in and break down the glue. The wallpaper should come away cleanly after a few minutes.