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10 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Unbelievably Happy


Lend a Helping Hand

Altruism, or the act of helping others without worrying about recompense for your deeds, actually does give you something incredible. Those who lend a helping hand are bound to feel happier than those who are selfish and not compassionate.

Researchers interviewed a group of over 150 people to discuss recent spending patterns. The findings were that social spending, like going to concerts with friends or buying someone dinner, was far more pleasurable than purchases like new shoes or expensive accessories.

This means that kindness, helpfulness, or even just sitting in a coffee shop and discussing life with a friend after they had a rough day is going to be far more beneficial than being selfish. It’s true what they say: Money does not buy you happiness. Not unless you are using that money to make someone else happy too.

Can’t figure out how to lend a hand? Why not volunteer at a community club or visit the local veteran’s home or homeless shelter? Opt to be someone’s mentor. You can also join church groups that run soup kitchens and other similar organizations. And if you can’t find such an association, why not start your own? Who knows, there could be hundreds of people looking for the opportunity to volunteer as well.