Diseases and Conditions

Your Health Problems Could Be Worse Than You Think, so Know the Signs


You Make Frequent Bathroom Trips

Drinking plenty of water is good for you, however, if you find that you are chronically thirsty and are frequently visiting the washroom, even in your sleep, it’s important to see your doctor. When people start to develop type-2 diabetes the cells in their body will become less and less capable of absorbing and using blood sugar. Thus, sugar builds up in the blood stream and becomes toxic. As a last resort, the body will try to flush out the excess sugar via urination.

If this visual health symptom describes you, ask your doctor about getting an A1c blood test, which measures your blood glucose levels over a 3-month period. The sooner type-2 diabetes is diagnosed, the better your prognosis, as your high blood sugar will do much less damage to your organs.