Diseases and Conditions

Your Health Problems Could Be Worse Than You Think, so Know the Signs


One of the toughest parts of living with an illness lies in figuring out what you did wrong. To many people, it may seem like things took an unexpected bad turn overnight, but is this truly the case?

If there’s one thing the human body is good at, it’s giving people early warning signs. The trick is knowing how to pay attention and be proactive before you get diagnosed with a severe ailment.

Quit overlooking the subtle warnings that your body has been sending you. Changing your self-care habits now will let you reap life-changing rewards later, so why not adopt a more proactive attitude? Here are some of the hallmarks of ill health that you might not have noticed.

Unsightly Nails

Your fingernails can tell you many things about your health, so pay attention to them. A horizontal line, called a Beau’s line, occurs due to past illness or poor nutrition. If you have spoon shaped nails, a condition called koilonychias, it could mean that have iron-deficiency anemia. If you have the above conditions and are also noticing that your nails are pale at the cuticle and reddish brown at the tip, it could mean that your kidneys are not functioning properly.

If you are frequently seeing abnormalities on your fingernails it is likely that you may be suffering from certain vitamin or mineral deficiencies, or even kidney disease. It is important to consult a doctor to determine the cause and to and take the necessary steps to improve your health.

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