Diseases and Conditions

Understanding Marfan’s Syndrome


How Does It Affect Lifestyle Choices?

People who have Marfan syndrome can still live an active healthy lifestyle, but they should avoid high-intensity sports, contact sports, and isometric exercises such as weightlifting. They should consult with a cardiologist about performing any activity before they get started to make sure their heart can withstand the intensity.

People with Marfan syndrome should consider the impact this genetic disorder has on family planning and pregnancy. Couples should go through genetic counseling to determine the risk of passing down Marfan syndrome to their children. Pregnancy also puts stress on the heart, so any pregnant woman who has this genetic disorder is considered to have a high-risk pregnancy. Any additional stress to an already fragile aorta can cause it to rupture. A pregnant woman with Marfan syndrome should have frequent blood pressure checks and monthly echocardiograms to make sure her heart is handling the stress of pregnancy.

A person with Marfan syndrome and has had heart surgery is susceptible to developing bacterial endocarditis. Heart valves and tissue can become infected when bacteria enters the bloodstream during a surgical procedure. This can be prevented if the patient is given antibiotics prior to any surgical procedure.

Being diagnosed with any disease can be emotionally devastating. Someone who is diagnosed with Marfan syndrome may become depressed, feel angry, or become frightened about how much their life will have to change. People who are having a hard time emotionally adjusting to their Marfan syndrome diagnosis should seek counseling to help them adapt and take control of the lifestyle changes they have to make.