Diseases and Conditions Healthy Living

Tips To Prevent The Flu


Distance Yourself From Others Showing Symptoms

Practice social distancing whenever you can to limit interaction between you and those showing signs and symptoms of the flu or another virus. The flu and similar illnesses are highly contagious and can be spread through a number of ways, including droplets, surface contact, and more. That is why it is recommended to stay at least 6 feet away from individuals who are coughing and sneezing, because the virus can travel that far through small moisture droplets.

And if you’re sick? Stay home! Do not leave your house unless you really have to go somewhere, such as the doctor’s office or the hospital. The biggest issue in the fight against the flu is that people who are sick and contagious continue to commute to work without taking the necessary precautions. Without knowing it, you are infecting others around you—and that leads to others getting sick and spreading the virus unknowingly.

Also, you should continue to stay inside for another 24 hours after the fever has died down to ensure that the virus is completely out of your system.