Feature Womens Health

The Most Outrageous Beauty Trends of 2018


Pencil Brows

You may be thinking that there’s no way that pencil thin eyebrows are back in style and you would be right. This look actually just makes your eyebrows look like pencils. It was popularized by a variety of different people including the notoriously intriguing Huda Kattan. Some people are in love with this look but many others feel like your pencil should stay in your hand and not on your face.

Yellow Blush

We’ve had almost two decades of safe blush shades. Instagram artists have decided that it’s time to break out of that trend and to embrace the color yellow. This look includes putting yellow blush across your cheekbones as well as your eyelids to create a startling and intense effect. Yellow doesn’t look great on everyone though, so there are some people that are walking around looking a little crazy.