Diseases and Conditions Feature

The Most Common Symptoms of Fibromyalgia


Bowel Troubles

Individuals with Fibromyalgia are at a higher risk of developing irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS. Since this is the case, they are known as being co-morbid conditions (which means that they co-occur at the same time). One reason that this might be the case is due to the muscle stiffness and pain associated with Fibromyalgia which can lead to a decreased ability in these individuals to have bowel movements. When fecal matter becomes impacted it makes it even harder (no pun intended) to pass.

Some seek relief by using laxatives but overuse can lead to even further medical complications. In some cases, stool softeners can provide some relief. On the other hand, some individuals with Fibromyalgia have the opposite problem and experience diarrhea. Yet again, sadly, more research is needed in order to examine the reason by Fibromyalgia is associated with bowel troubles.