Diseases and Conditions

Symptoms of Bronchitis


Cough with Phlegm

As bronchitis progresses, it results in congestion in the airways increasing mucus production. The dry cough on the onset progresses into a “productive” cough with phlegm. The phlegm can be yellow, white or tinged indicating the presence of blood. Although this symptom can be a cause for concern for many, it is actually a good sign. Phlegm is an indication that the body is actively trying to get rid of the infection.

A “productive” cough indicates some success. For this reason, doctors don’t recommend cough suppressants. Instead, treatment focuses on dealing with severe coughing among other symptoms that interfere with normal sleeping patterns. Typical medication includes cough expectorants. A patient may also be advised to take plenty of liquids to avoid dehydration as well as to thin phlegm secretion to make it easier to expel the phlegm.