Diseases and Conditions

Small But Significant Tips For Reducing Anxiety


Limit Your Social Media Time

Many people confess that they will idly tinker with their phone when they are feeling anxious, especially when out in public. Phones and social media can be an escape from the things that are happening around us in the real world, such as waiting in a line for the cashier or avoiding the to-do list you have on the fridge.

However, it has been proven that engaging too much in social media can lead to increased anxiety, because you start comparing yourself to everyone else’s lives. Plus, too much expose to blue light can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle, making it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. This all leads to increased stress levels and, ultimately, more anxiety.

To limit your screen time, avoid turning to the phone upon waking and at least 30 minutes prior to going to bed. Establish a no phone rule at the dinner table. Uninstall social media apps from your phone to avoid temptation. Those timelines can wait.