Healthy Living

Signs Your Body Doesn’t Actually Know How To Maintain Deep Sleep


Needing Naps

Yes, the occasional nap can be beneficial and leave you feeling mentally and physically recharged. However, if you are getting the recommended 6-8 hours of sleep a night, need multiple naps throughout the day and still are fatigued, then something more serious could be happening.

There was a study reported by Medical Daily and the Smithsonian magazine that looked into the health problems associated with frequent napping. The researchers followed 16,000 British people between the ages of 40 and 79 for 13 years. The participants had their sleep habits tracked and were broken into three groups: those who napped once a day, those who took frequent daily naps, and those who didn’t nap at all. At the end, those who napped more than an hour a day were 32-percent more likely to have died than non-nappers from illnesses like heart disease, cancer, and respiratory illness.