Diseases and Conditions

Signs Of Liver Damage That Should Not Be Ignored


Developing New Allergies or Vitamin Deficiencies

Allergies are immune responses to a specific substance. Most people do not realize that liver function is also responsible for allergies. When the liver is poorly functioning, you may experience new allergies, especially if you never had them before. Common allergens for those with damaged or diseased livers include dust, pet dander, peanuts, and various foods.

Once the liver has been compromised, it will be unable to break down chemicals and dispose of waste. This leads to toxins in the bloodstream that overstimulate the immune system, leading to an immune response, such as an allergic reaction to something you might have been fine with consuming or smelling before. Individuals who have preexisting allergies will find that they become much more severe once the liver has been damaged.

Vitamin deficiencies occur much for the same reason allergens occur. The liver cannot assist with metabolism or breakdown of nutrients, and so vitamins that need to be absorb are not. Your doctor may suggest changing your diet to assist with proper nutrition.