Diseases and Conditions Feature

Signs and Symptoms of Liver Damage



The yellowing of the skin and eyes is another key indicator of liver damage. It Is caused by the build up of a bile pigment referred to as bilirubin and the inability of the body to properly eliminate waste. This pigment is produced when bile naturally breakdowns and when the liver is functioning properly is eliminated through bile and urine. Other signs that you may be suffering from jaundice include light-colored stool and an extreme itching all over the body. Luckily, it is rare, but in more extreme cases a loss of brain function is possible. When this occurs in older individuals, it is more often than not assumed to be dementia.

In order to treat jaundice, it is necessary to treat the underlying medical issue. If you experience jaundice it is important to seek medical help right away since once a liver is severely damaged, it will never be 100% back to normal.