The Beauty Process That Shrinks Pores Naturally
You’re armed in knowledge and beauty products. Let’s learn how to use all that to get you the skin you deserve. Keep in mind that while beauty routines can be done any time during the day, this portion of your skin care regimen is best done in the morning. That way, you don’t have to cleanse twice in one day.
Follow these steps:
1. Apply your BHA. If you have dry or dehydrated skin, limit the amount of BHA you use. Only apply to the places were sebaceous filaments are most visible. Since BHAs are oil-soluble, this formula will penetrate deep into the sebum that is clogging your pores and loosen up all the caked in dirt and grime. Wait about 20-25 minutes after applying before moving onto the next step.
2. Without removing the BHA, put on your clay mask next. Every clay mask has specific instructions. Follow that precisely.
3. Wash off the clay mask when ready. Be careful of the water temperature, since your skin might be dry from the BHA and clay.
4. Gently pat your face dry.
5. Next, apply the cleansing oil. Wait about 10-15 minutes to let the oils draw any remaining debris and oil from your pores.
6. For 2-3 minutes, massage the sections of your face that are being treated, such as the T-zone, cheeks, and chin. Never apply too much pressure, and don’t massage longer than 5 minutes. At this point, you should start feeling something grainy/gritty coming from the pores. These “grits” are the clogs that were stuck deep in your skin. Even if you don’t feel any grit during the massage, you don’t have to worry. This just means that you don’t have enough dirt and dead skin buildup. However, that doesn’t mean that your pores won’t appear smaller by the end of this process.
7. After you have massaged in the cleansing oil, emulsify and wash your face off. From there, you should continue with your daily skin care routine.
Now, why do we say that shrinking pores is a temporary fix? By the end of this routine, your pores will have seemingly gotten smaller and less noticeable, but pores will inevitably fill up with sebaceous filaments again within the next few days. Once that happens, you can return back to this natural pore shrinking process the freshen up.
You can use this method once or twice a week. Remember not to overdo any part of your skin care routine, because that can damage your skin.
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