Healthy Living

Health Challenges For Aging Adults



Dementia is not just one disease but a cluster of symptoms and conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease. Any disorder that falls under the umbrage of dementia usually hints at abnormal brain changes that affect feelings, behaviors, and relationships. Presently, there are around 47.5 million people throughout the world who suffer from some form of dementia. It is expected to see those numbers reach 75.6 million in 2030.

There are certain causes of dementia including excess consumption of alcohol, thyroid problems, vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition, depression, and medication side effects. However, some people may as be at risk because of family history. While age and genetics cannot be changed, there ways to reduce the chances of developing dementia.

If you adopt a healthier lifestyle, such as a nutritious diet, get plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, and quit smoking, you soften cognitive decline and the chance of dementia.