Diseases and Conditions

Symptoms of Bronchitis


Sore Throat

Bronchitis can also cause a sore throat. In fact, most bronchitis sufferers are prompted to seek medical attention because of this symptom. More than 13 million people visit the doctor every year in America because of sore throats.

Sore throats affect the soft tissue in the throat causing a painful scratchy feeling that may originate from an infection in the upper respiratory tract associated with many cases of bronchitis. Increased mucous can cause irritation creating soreness in the throat. The discomfort can also be linked to swollen lymph nodes located in the neck. They swell as a natural immune system response to an infection.

Bronchitis is a common illness that can turn deadly. The illness is known to cause approximately 400 deaths yearly in America. The importance of recognizing the common signs and seeking treatment immediately can’t, therefore, be overlooked.