Diseases and Conditions

Symptoms Of An Ear Infection


Flu-like Symptoms

If you have flu-like symptoms like fever, a runny nose, a headache and sinus congestion, you could be suffering from an ear infection. Typical ear infections come with head cold symptoms. As the name suggests, a head cold is simply a cold. The distinguishing factor is the location of the symptoms. A head cold comes with symptoms concentrated on the head region. Examples of such symptoms include; a runny or stuffed nose and watery eyes. Head colds also cause headaches, sneezing, sore throat and fever among other symptoms which affect the head only.

If you have flu-like symptoms specifically those affecting your head, there is a high chance you have an ear infection. You could also be at high risk of getting an ear infection if you get head cold symptoms that don’t go away after a few days. This explains why you shouldn’t leave flu-like symptoms untreated for long.