Diseases and Conditions

Signs of an Irregular Heartbeat


If you are having issues with your heart, please contact a medical professional immediately.

There are certain health issues that might indicate that you have an irregular heartbeat. For instance, experiencing frequent dizziness and chest tightness can be an indication that you may have an irregular heartbeat, known as arrhythmia. However, don’t fear, as we are here to tell you about what symptoms to look out for. Even if you have experienced any of the below symptoms, if this is only on an occasional basis you should not feel the need to panic. The reality is that most people experience these symptoms at one point in their lives but if these symptoms are experienced persistently it is suggested that you seek medical attention and speak to your doctor. We are of the thinking that it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to potential heart issues. If you happen to feel as though your doctor is not taking your health concerns seriously, don’t be afraid to seek medical help elsewhere. Matters of the heart are no laughing matter and should be taken seriously.

Fast or Slow Heart Beat

There are two different types of arrhythmia: tachycardia, which occurs when your heart rate is faster than usual, and bradycardia, which is when your heart rate is slower than it should be. When an individual experiences tachycardia the rapid heartbeats in the upper chambers of the heart called the atria or within the atrioventricular node, which is essentially the electrical connection between the ventricles of the heart (the heart’s lower ventricles and atria). Meanwhile, bradycardia results in an inadequate supply of blood to other parts of the body. Bradycardia is usually the result of a blockage of the heart, which in turn limits the heart’s ability to contract as it should. It can also be the result of what is known as sick sinus syndrome, which can lead to the sinus node of the heart (the part of the heart that controls the pace at which it beats) to work improperly.

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