Diseases and Conditions

Key Symptoms Of A Gallbladder Attack



Headaches are common symptoms of many health problems. You can get headaches because of many reasons ranging from lack of enough sleep to stress. Most people don’t think of gallbladder problems or any other serious health problem when they experience headaches periodically. However, headaches are common symptoms of gallbladder attacks.

The reason behind this is stress. When the gallbladder is congested because of blocked bile ducts, this causes stress in the entire body as well as other problems like inflammation. Stress and inflammation increase tension in the brain causing headaches and migraines. Increased blood supply usually initiates the tension in the head above acceptable levels. A great way to distinguish a headache caused by a gallbladder attack is to check the origin of the pain. If the pain is just above your eyes (particularly above your right eye), your headache is caused by a gallbladder attack.