Diseases and Conditions Nutrition

Diverticulitis Diet: Foods to Eat And Foods to Avoid


Avoid Fruit and Vegetable Skins

For the same reason you want to limit high fiber foods, you want to limit peels and skins. Apple skin, for instance, has most of the fiber and is harder for the stomach to digest and breakdown. This can aggravate the condition, making the symptoms worse. If you want to have a potato, for example, be sure to remove the skin. Also, be sure to remove skins from carrots and other vegetables, like cucumbers, if you plan on using them.

Avoid FODMAP Foods

Research has concluded that diets low in FODMAPs, or fermentable oligosaccharides, disacchardies, monosaccharides, and polyols, can help people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diverticulitis. Fresh fruit and dried fruit are extremely high in FODMAPs. Other foods to avoid because of the high FODMAP count include:

• Apples

• Diary

• Pears

• Plums

• Fermented foods

• Cabbage

• Onions

• Garlic

• Beans