Diseases and Conditions Nutrition

A Comprehensive Guide to Living With Diverticulitis


Increasing Fluid Intake: The Diverticulitis Diet

Those who are experiencing the severe symptoms of diverticulitis are often told to go on a diverticulitis diet, which includes sustaining oneself off of mainly fluids. Until the flare up subsides, you will be drinking water, fruit juices, broth, and eating ice pops.

Once the symptoms start to clear up, you can start easing back into a normal diet. You will begin with low-fiber foods, such as white bread, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, and red meat. Then you add in high-fiber foods. The benefit of fruits and vegetables high in fiber is well known—fiber softens your stool and allows it to pass through the colon more easily, so pressure is reduced on the digestive tract. Plus, these fruits and vegetables often have high water content, which also keeps you hydrated and your GI tract lubricated.