Around The House Healthy Living Nutrition

37 Survival Foods To Hoard For an Emergency


Shelf Stable, Ready-To-Eat Meals

There are a couple of ready-to-eat meal varieties out there that any prepper should know about. First, you have the regular store bought option, like Hormel Compleats that can be cooked in the microwave or eaten cold. These meals were originally formulated for cancer patients and eliminate any odd flavors or aftertastes.

The next level is MREs, also known as Meals Ready to Eat, or emergency meals. MREs are much more varied than what you find in the store. You can buy boxes in bulk online in sizes made for 1 month or more. There are different brands with varying portion sizes and formulas, but the basis of MREs remains the same across the board. These are quick and easy meals that require very little water and preparation to make and do not sacrifice nutritional content.

The shelf life of most MREs is anywhere between 4-7 years, but some products might last longer than that.