Around The House Healthy Living Nutrition

37 Survival Foods To Hoard For an Emergency



Believe it or not, honey is an underestimated resource. Not only does high quality honey last forever, but it can be used a number of ways. As a food, you can use a few drops of honey to flavor boring cereals and oatmeal, toast, and tea. Honey can glaze meats, too. Or, you can use it as a preservative.

If someone comes down sick, you can use honey for a sore throat, toothaches, stomachaches, and digestive woes. In the event you don’t have any topical antibiotics, honey can be used as a medicinal paste. It is antibacterial and antiviral—one of the reasons it lasts forever—and assists with preventing infection.

Be sure to purchase local or manuka honey. Otherwise, you are getting honey and fillers, which will limit the effectiveness of the antibacterial properties.