Cancer Diseases and Conditions Nutrition

11 Cancer Causing Foods


Canned Tomatoes

Fresh tomatoes in the produce section are wonderful for your health and contain lycopene. Tomatoes are purported to fight carcinogens. Unfortunately, despite the convenience, canned tomatoes do the exact opposite for your health. Any canned food puts you at risk because most aluminum cans are lined with a chemical known as bisphenol-A, or BPA. A breakthrough study from 2013 that was published by the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences revealed that BPA affects the way genes work in rat brains. The FDA has also stated that BPA is harmful and has begun to support efforts that swap out BPA in canned foods.

That said, tomatoes are one of the worst foods to purchase canned, because they are acidic. The acids start to break down the lining of the cans, absorbing BPA into the tomatoes. In fact, the levels of BPA can be so high in canned tomatoes that it can make young children extremely ill.