Cancer Diseases and Conditions

10 Ways To Catch Early Stage Cancer


Warts and Moles Changes

Most people are born with some kind of moles or freckling. Warts can come and go, as well. In fact, warts can be associated with temporary infections of the human papillomavirus family. But when you experience any unusual changes in a skin growth, such as mole suddenly growing in size or a wart changing shape, you should be alarmed.

Irregular colors, shapes, bleeding, or unhealing sores are all signs of skin cancer. Additionally, squamous cell carcinoma, a common kind of skin cancer, can look like warts. At first, they appear as a thin crusty plaque on the skin that gradually becomes a sore. Or it can be a domed, red lump that doesn’t disappear over time. The growth may also bleed then crust over repeatedly.