Diseases and Conditions Nutrition

Diverticulitis Diet: Foods to Eat And Foods to Avoid


Avoid The Western Diet

The standard Western diet is one that is rife with risks for developing a diverticular disease, such as diverticulitis. The American diet, for instance, is full of simple carbohydrates, processed foods, and is high in fat, sugar, and alcohols. This kind of diet is the worst for your digestive tract, which could explain the rapid increase in gastrointestinal disorders since the mid-1900s. If you want to limit symptoms of diverticulitis or ward off the condition completely, then you need to adopt a healthier diet, such as a Mediterranean or Nordic diet. Focus less on red meat, fried foods, processed meats and carbohydrates, and sugars.

Instead, use healthy fats, prioritize whole grains, vegetables, and other foods that are high in fiber.

Avoid Whole Grains

When you are on a full liquid diet, you want to avoid anything with whole grains until your receive clearance from your doctor. You might have to avoid some foods on the “eat” list for now, including things like nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Furthermore, you’re going to have to avoid the foods that are typically ideal for lessening the chances of a diverticulitis flare up, such as the all-important whole grain. You will want to remove whole grain cereals, breads, brown rice, whole wheat, and anything else with bran in it.